Jan. 9 – Palenque ruins
Woke to a steamy, foggy morning in the jungle. Got a look at where we are staying, and it was beautiful. Funny litttle thatched-roof huts with screen walls. Definitely in hippie-land here.
Walked across the road to have breakfast at ‘Don Muchos’, then off we went walking to the ruins. The map the the German traveler had given Levi proved to be extremely accurate, and we were soon on the trail into the jungle that he had recommended. What a great walk – crossed spectacular waterfalls, explored un-excavated ruins, and the jungle itself, up close and personal.
After about a 30 minute climb and splash through the jungle, we stumbled out into the site parking lot.
Nothing I can write can describe what palenque is lie to visit. Here are a few picts, but it is someting that must be experienced first hand.
Ater we left the ruin site, we spent some time in the site museum. When we left, we knew we had had a very special day.