Jan. 12 – Xpujil, Mx. to Orange Walk, Bz.

2009 January 12
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by joe

We got and early start (for us), and made good time towards Chetumal, until we decided to stop at another Mayan ruin site, Kohuilich.  It was well worth the stop.  each site is unique and impressive as hell.  We took some great pictures, and I will try to add them here later.

After we left the site, we continued on to Chetumal to cross into Belize.  We hit our first patch of rain;  out came the toggs and booties.  We looked like drowned rats when we finally arrived at the border.

Now my bike is starting to act a little sluggish.  Time for a tune-up.

The border crossing at Chetumal was a joke – the Mexicans didn’t even stop us to talk, just waved us out;  and getting into Belize was a breeze – it cost us a total of $5 US to be ‘dis-infected’, and then they just stamped our passports and waved us through, also.  No customs or paperwork at all!

I suffered from severe culture shock for the rest of the day – going from all Spanish to English, and from Mexican to Caribbean culture in an instant.  My head is spinning!

I like Belize.  It feels like Jamaica!  the people seem super friendly, and it is very comfortable and inexpensive here.  We have stopped for the night in Orange Walk – a semi-small town with lots of hotels.  We are in a really nice hotel (for us!) for $33 a night, with secure off-street parking.  They accept credit cards here for gas, hotels, and food, which is convienent.  Local money is always 2-to-1, and you can use US dollars, if you choose.

There are several issues with the bikes I need to get straightened away here, before we enter Guatemala.  My bike has over 12,500 miles now, and I need a minor tune up, and need to fix the problem with gas reserve.  We both need to do an oil change, and badly clean our air filters.  My chain is stretching badly, and I need to get a replacement and carry it for when I am out of adjustment.  I am hoping to get some of that done here in Orange Walk tomorrow, or else in Belize City later.

The hotel has a complimentary computer, with an english-style keyboard, so it is much easier to write now than it has been for many days.  Not sure what I am going to do about my lost glasses.  I have my prescription now, but that will just have to wait, I guess.

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