Jan. 22 – Choluteca, Honduras to Esteli, Nicaragua

2009 January 22
by joe

Awakened early by the crazy road noise on CA-1 outside our hotel.  Of course no water so we settled for a very bad breakfast at a nearby comidor and hit the road.  Bad roads, several military road blocks where they checked our ‘papers’, and even one stop near the border where we had to pay the police a bribe just to get Levi’s drivers license back!  Honduras sucks.

Long, steady climb into the mountains.  Some nice scenery, and passed through an area where the Honduran rich must have their summer homes in the mountains.  Good for them!  Finally atthe border, it took another hour of senseless bullshit just to get OUT of Honduras.  Good ridance.

Once we reached the Nicaraguan border station, the atmosphere was completely different.  No craziness, these people were there to help, tried to make it easy, and were kind and friendly.  I was in tears when we left the border station,  just being treated like a human being again.

We made it to a nearby border town, where we got local currency and a coke.  Nice to see open, friendly faces again.  Gas here $4.00 USD a gallon!  Ouch!

I was tired from little sleep last night, so we stopped early in the regional capital Esteli.  Caught up on blogging and email, had a very good dinner for $4.00, and Levi went out to see what kind of nightlife he can find.  I plan on sacking out early, and am very glad to be out of Honduras tonight!

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