Dec. 28 – Mazatlan to Puerto Vallarta
Almost got an early start, for us. Took some photos on the Malecon, then got totally twisted around trying to get out of town. While wandering around lñooking for the road out of town, we met up with a fellow from Argentina riding amcy to Mexico City. Very friendly fellow. Out of town, had a great $3 breakfast.
Made very good time to Tepic, but there was WAY TOO MUCH TRAFFIC! Had great chicken for lunch. After lunch, we had a wild mountain ride getting to Pto. Vallarte. Best scenery so far. Nayarit is a beautiful state. Terrible road; I loved driving the curves, but hated the traffic and crazy Mexican drivers. After one very hairy stretch, Levi warned me to be careful; said I was going too fast. I will try to listen.
Got to Pto. Vallarta right at dark. Again we had hoped to have a place to stay with friends, but again it did not pan out, and so we hunted for a cheap hotel. That was a real nightmare, as the cobblestone streets and steep hills made for treacherous driving on busy, crowded, one-way streets. Most hotels were full; I was tired and ready to give up and pay way too much for a bed, just to get off the bike, but Levi said ‘ lets try one more’. and he scored for us; found us a $31 dollar room with part-time hot water, continental breakfast, decent beds, and a shared bath. No parking or security.
We went out for ice creamm and levi had pizza for $.90 a slice. I was feeling better, but not 100%. I went to bed early, while Levi went out exploring. The town is packed an jumping!
The ani-biotics seem to be working.